Delmarva Adult & Teen Challenge Men’s Campus is located in Seaford, Delaware and serves men, ages eighteen and above, with a desire to overcome life-controlling addictions.

We are a 12-month, residential, holistic program that addresses the mind, body, and spirit of our students.  

At Delmarva Adult & Teen Challenge Seaford Men's Program, we teach men principles with purpose. Through biblical principles we help men define who they are and provide them with the tools needed to assist them in the process of recovery.

Are you looking for an answer to your or a family members drug addiction? Is alcohol abuse becoming chronic? Have these and other life-controlling problems been spinning out of control. Delmarva Adult & Teen Challenge offers a place.

A rigorous and regimented program, students at Delmarva Adult & Teen Challenge participate in personal growth and group studies and receive personalized counseling. A variety of vocational training programs are available.


• Phase 1: Induction

Students begin to build a foundation of healing and overcoming addiction

•  Students learn the basics of a productive lifestyle and how to live in a community

• Phase 2: Training 

- Students dive deeper into the core issues of addiction and we focus on engaging and empowering them through our holsitic approach.

- Additional academics, vocational training, and other life skills classes are added, including parenting education

- Opportunities to participate in work programs and community outreach which facilitates the learning of fundamental skills and character qualities, such as: responsibility, industry, dependability, commitment, self-discipline, and the importance of serving others  

• Phase 3: Re-entry

- The student is assisted with reintegration into society.

- Goals include utilizing the tools learned to facilitate a continued drug-free lifestyle, individual spiritual growth, living independently, maintaining healthy relationships.

- For more information on our Seaford Men's Program, please call our Intake Coordinator at 302-629-2559

Frequently Asked Questions

The DATC program lasts 12-18 months. Progression through the program depends on each student’s determination and work, rather than a specific time table.

We recognize that each applicant has hit a bottom emotionally, mentally and physically. As such, Delmarva Adult & Teen Challenge desires to relieve any financial burden of tuition costs by affording scholarships to those that have an earnest desire for life change. The scholarships are only available to those that commit to our 12-month program allowing us to assist you or your loved one to become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.

Yes, our program requires that students detox – preferably a medically supervised detox – prior to entering the program. Our Intake Coordinator can help you find a detox center and walk you through the required steps of entering the program.

Mood-altering medications, opiates, anti-anxiety medications or any other medication that has potential to be abused is not permitted at DATC. DATC is not a medical facility.

Dual diagnosis is common with individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. If an applicant’s mental health issues are beyond the scope of treatment for Delmarva Adult & Teen Challenge, that individual will be re-directed to other treatment facilities that can properly care for those with dual diagnosis special needs.

Yes. Photo ID, Social Security Card, and Birth Certificate must be submitted upon entry.

No. This is a nicotine-free environment.

Yes, but the supervision officer must be informed. A student shall inform the Intake Coordinator regarding probation, parole, or court requirements. Applicants need to take care of any warrants or legal proceedings before entry. Supervision appointments and reporting will be conducted as part of the participant’s case management.

After the student completes his Induction phase, he will have the opportunity to pursue his G.E.D. if he chooses to do so. Staff will assist him in achieving this important goal.

Absolutely! Students participate in both Personal and Group Studies. The curriculum helps to establish a foundational knowledge leading to spiritual and character growth. The faith-structured classes help to develop the main goal of the program: a life-changing, continually growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Upon entry into the program, each student is assigned a counselor to provide individual, one-on-one guidance and mentoring determined by that students’ particular needs. The proven cure for life-controlling problems is based on the embracing of faith-based principles to spiritually improve the quality of his character.

No. Part of the success of the Adult & Teen Challenge program is offering our students the opportunity to fully focus on their healing for the time they are in the program.

All inquiries related to the student will be handled by the program director.

Call us today
We can help !

For more information on our Seaford Men’s Program, please contact our Intake Coordinator at (302) 629-2559.


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